More similarity scheduled for social networking sites

Social media has some intrinsic commonality and that is forcing the social networking giants, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to look more similar in nature and offer mostly the similar features that the users love and enjoy. Now Twitter is testing a feature similar to Facebook timeline, however in case of Twitter the real difference would be that it would allow users to expand tweets and it will assimilate various pieces of information related to that particular tweet. Just as in post we are able to see the “share,” post taken from etc. etc, it would see the pics and threaded conversation associated with a tweet. social networking sites

That is the reason that Facebook has followed Google+ in creating circle like groups and customized it to make it easier for users to drag the individuals according to circles. It is even more helpful for the smartphone users active on social media. Now there would no confusion and all three major social networking sites would appear somewhat similar in nature and easier to work with. Sharing content across different networking sites would also be easier now. It is a survival trick for all the major three and it seems that strategy will work just fine.

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