LinkedIn Found To Be No. #1 in Social Media Segment in Terms of Users

According to Performics a marketing agency, LinkedIn is the most widely used social network. The usage shown by the agency is whopping 59% of the total user base, which supersedes both Facebook and Twitter. This shocking revelation came after a survey conducted by ROI Research. The survey was done on approximately 3000 active social media users. According to Daina Middleton, CEO of the agency, this trend might be due to the economic downturn and resultant job losses.

The people who are on the lookout for a job or considering a switch over are the LinkedIn hookers. So they are using it for personal and professional reasons. One more reason behind this is the way branding is being done by the companies, which is getting more and more interactive than one sided. Customer is getting the center-stage as far as marketing or branding is concerned. Corporate reasons are also behind such a sudden surge in the number of people hooking on social media. Companies want followers and people want businesses and they don’t hesitate recommending a company they follow.

Customer reviews on social media sites are also the source of business decisions because businesses take it as a feedback for their products and common users base their buying decision on it. This also emphasizes the equality that social media has provided to the users and the companies. Users of social media are considered to be equals as they have a voice and they can impact a brand. This information can be used to bring about a shift in the branding strategies of the corporate entities and businesses.

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