Privacy concerns resurfacing on Facebook

When Open Graph and social plugins were announced last year at f8, it gave way to privacy concerns. CEO Mark Zuckerberg was found nervous answering the questions around privacy issues. Now with this year’s f8 event, when some more concerning announcements were made such as Timeline feature, which expects you to share your or someone else’s personal events and issues and then Open Graph which makes applications more sharing friendly. Now with more information sharing, privacy issues are again raising head.

Now the media is concerned that Facebook is neglecting privacy issues and it is going beyond its limits. It also has tied up with certain applications where it is possible for them to stream your reading activity directly on Facebook. Washington Post’s Social Reader is such an application. Now, even if you are reading porno stuff, Facebook would reveal it to your friends as it happened with Mashable founder Pete Cashmore.

Facebook has a cookie set up where it might be tracking your web browsing activities even when you’re logged out of Facebook. Though Facebook people claim that it is used for safety and protection of users form IDing spammers and phishers etc. Though Facebook is trying to clarify these, but people have started getting concerned about their privacy issues with Facebook.

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