Tips to design MobSites

Hey-whey internet access via mobile phones is normal now-a-days. That is why; MobSites (mobile websites) have fascinated the eye-sights of various big daddies of the market. Nascent ones are also no more behind. Actually, MobSites are quite functional for both the users and business firms. They give users easy and prompt access to their favorite website and improved visibility to the business. Hence, more and more businesses have started hiring web designing companies that are experts in designing MobSites.

Anyways, this is not our topic today. What we want to share is tips to design fully functional MobSites and, here we go.

Go common for different screen resolution

Current market is filled with different sets of mobile phones having different screen resolution. Designing a mobsite for every mobile screen is definitely not a good idea. Thus, try to balance between satisfactory screen width and audience size. Collect the specifications of different handsets and use your best judgement.

Use simplicity as the best policy

Go for simple designs as to equate better usability. The simpler the web design, the more users it engages. Let the users explore the site without any difficulty. If there are more links on the mobsite, it will take more time to load that result in slower accessibility. Thus, do not include tables, frames and other formatting.

Give users a bridge to connect with full website

Provide a link on your mobsite that divert the users to your full website. This feature will let the users explore other features and content of your website that can only be accessed via desktop. Also, add a “back to top” link as to allow the curious users directly jump to the top of the page.

Although there are various points to keep in mind while designing a mobsite but above 3 things are more important. In a nutshell, creativity is all what you need to design a perfect mobsite and if designed along with the aforementioned tips can result in highly functional MobSites.

August 16, 2012 at 7:50 am | website desiging | No comment

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